批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 有沒有人可以幫忙我一個英文問題??
May 28th 2013, 08:10

作者jash911122 (紅茶)


標題[請問] 有沒有人可以幫忙我一個英文問題??

時間Tue May 28 08:10:44 2013

下面有一篇我同學寫的英文文章 文章內容主要是在談他對這次台灣和菲律賓事件的看法 但有些字詞他不確定如何使用 也不確定文法是不是都正確 因為他人正在拼指考 所以由我來版上替他代問 所以還請版上的各位大大協助他完成這篇文章 如果有任何看法 歡迎站內信或是在下面留言 謝謝 (以下文章為他親筆手寫,我在轉打成文章可能會有一些錯誤,還請大大們見諒) ------------------------------------------------------------ To whom it may concern, Hello everyone,I'm a Taiwanese senior high school student.Few days ago, when I scaned some reports from CNN,I found some 問題點.Recently,Taiwan has some confliction with Philipines,for this month,our 漁船進入了我們之間重疊的 經濟海域.Perhaps we really intrude their 領海;however,it goes without saying that it's needless for Filipion to 追殺 our 漁民 for more than one hour.I know that Philipine authorities concerned have appologize to us,but they 未懲兇和 未儘速與我國開會協商台菲捕魚共同注意事項.It's not about appology but their attitude made us unsatisfied.Nevertheless,not only CNN but also AFP and Reuters show some remarks unfavorable to Taiwan and lots of misunderstanding.I think the main reason is our mother tongue. Compared to Filipion,where speak English moost,Taiwan has less chance to let the world know our opinion.Worse yet,our international press conforence was held too late,which have already harm our fame.What on earth caused this situation? In my submission,our lack of 國際觀 is the chief reason.Taiwan is based on agriculture,so it's inevitable that some people are not allowed to learn international language.Hence,we,learning English for a long time,should stand up to 為國發聲.What's more,I hope our broadcasting corporation is responsible for conveying first-handed information worldwide to the public,instead of giving us something trivial.In a bid to connect Taiwan with the world,everyone is to blame for broadening our horizon,high rank official in particular.Authority concerned should leave no stone unturned to educate people rather than 黨派鬥爭.Finally, 我再次聲明 this article is not aimed at tilting at Filipino or official but hope the world 還我們個公道.I'm convinceed that justice will prevail. this is a 17years old teenager's speaking thank for listening -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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